I thought it might be an interesting thing to publish my own manifesto for life as a committed Sacred Rebellion practitioner - so here goes:
We are in this together. Whatever challenges life brings us. Whatever challenges we bring on ourselves - and even when it looks like the world is dealing us a rough hand - we see it as our responsibility and we own it. Relationships (romantic and otherwise) are where we process life and work with what's here. We have 'karmic' and meaningful relationships in all cases - we have lessons and gifts to give and receive from one another. We know that truth is present whatever we are going through. Something is here in every moment that is way more intelligent than our small personalities, our conflicts, our tantrums, our annoyances. Our true selves are present; we are life itself.
I believe in forgiveness. Forgiveness sets us free. Forgiveness lets us live this day without yesterday or tomorrow ruining it! Forgiveness is a letting go, it's being in the present and releasing all our judgements and criticisms of self and other. It's also trusting the path of life we are on - our own path and others'. Trusting that the challenges of personality, the story of each of us is just that - it's a story. Without the story, who are we? Without the story what is here ? What's present without the story I am telling about myself ? What's present without the story I am telling myself about the person in front of me ? What's here without the judgement I have on my husband, my kids, my parents, my friends ?
Each day I tune into the purpose of why we have been put together. I feel into the heart of the connections in my life.
I remember to see you, in your uniqueness, your wholeness and your heart. The heart of you is what's most inviting for me and that's where I focus my loving and full attention.
Immediate Family and Parenting:
My deep wish is to co-create and, as a team, sustain a 'home' where we can nurture our joy, have fun together, be healthy together, spend time reflecting and be in a lifelong genuine enquiry about what it is to be happy, joyful and fulfilled. By the word 'home' I mean ourselves - of course we will have a building we live in, eat in, play in and sleep in - but we create how it feels here - the atmosphere we cultivate has a deep impact on us.
I am interested in creating a home that's centred around how we hold each other in our hearts and minds - and have that be the feeling of home that we all yearn for. I also feel we can be a home to ourselves - so we can love ourselves to the extent that even with just ourselves we feel loved, warm, at home, seen and happy. The extent to which we do this impacts on the demands we place on those around to us to make us happy.
I believe we are all equal as spiritual, human beings. We have intricate karmic paths to walk in our lifetimes that are shared and we are each major parts of one anothers' life lessons.
I believe our children choose us as we have chosen them, for the unique contribution we each make to one another and to the world. I believe that we are chosen by our children so we can be given the gifts that they have for us - whatever they look like to us in these human perceptions we have. And I believe it's our responsibility to give our children the gifts we have for them. It's also our responsibility to nurture and make space for the gifts that they have for one another as siblings.
There is a deeper meaning as to why we are together and why we find ourselves living under the same roof, sharing and living in a system that we create. I believe adults in the home begin creating the atmosphere and setting the scene and determine in a significant way, the sense of possibility that lives in the hearts of the entire family (including themselves, and importantly in the younger in years people who arrive to be with us).
I know I am fearful about safety - financial and physical and I know my work as a partner and mother will be around trusting, asking for help - from seen and unseen sources (friends, family, unknown people to me, the benevolent universe and god) - and letting the benevolence of life take care of us. I also know I have work to do around receiving. I am someone who gives naturally but I expect things back in return, which sets everyone up for unhappiness somehow.
My intention is to love domesticity and taking care of a home; creating a loving environment for a family to live, love, laugh, support, receive, give, create and be happy in. I believe a home is a place where we can also go through and be supported in whatever life lessons are sent our way. Whatever struggles we face, our home is where we find kindness, support, faith, courage, love and deep contact with our family members.
I believe that our 'home' atmosphere will be created through a genuine sharing of ourselves, through our being real and vulnerable, by all of us living our truth and our dreams while loving each other and feeling loved. We are encouraged to live our lives to the full by those closest to us.
I believe we all have an equal right at any age to have our needs met, to feel comfort and human warmth, to be acknowledged for our unique and wonderful selves, to be heard, to feel safe, to receive comfort and reassurance, and be loved, encouraged and empowered by our family of origin.
I commit to this manifesto for my life as it becomes a statement that can bring us back to truth when we inevitably slip up along the way.
I believe we are not bringing up our children to become something one day. Who knows what will happen tomorrow ? I believe we love one another not to arrive somewhere - we are not getting through this day just so that we can be grown up and have a job and a family of our own one day. We are living for this moment, for the sake of this love we feel as human beings. This moment of parenting, of loving, of living is for the sake of it. Not for any other purpose than to be here right now and receive all that life has for us.
Kindness is the most important part of our humanness to cultivate in all of the above. However many times we fail to meet our intention, however many times we feel imperfect, we get angry, we upset someone, we get impatient - we find healing in the return to something truer, more connected, more kind. We create the space for apologising, being kind - to ourselves and each other, and we forgive one another and ourselves each and every day.
We all have a responsibility to contribute ourselves to this life. We are the only one of us. We are the only one like us. There is only one instance that we are this body, this self - EVER. We are entitled to a life where we engage in work that is meaningful, fulfilling, happy, flowing and graceful. We are also entitled to support ourselves financially by responding to our calling and living our truth and joy in the world. Our work can be our joy and we can be compensated for it. And the degree to which we receive this depends on how receptive we are willing to be and how many of the blocks we are able to clear so we can allow the universe to pour its benevolence into us to receive.
My commitment is to truly living this for myself. I commit to living my joy through my work and all of my relationships and wider life - they are not separate things. They are intertwined deeply and intricately.
What would your manifesto look like ? Remember, this is something that no one can argue with - it's simply a statement of your intent, your heart, your truth. It's not open for comment. It's just yours.
I feel there is more to come from me on my manifesto - writing this, it seems there is so much more.....
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