Monday, September 16, 2013

Settle here, settle now, and be.

What can we do to align ourselves with the natural flow of the energy of this universe ?  What can we do to align ourselves with force that has no part in disagreeing with anything. Has no investment in things being a certain way.   The ego was born to get stuff done, to survive, go make change and facilitate progress.  And it's being severely overused. It's in overdrive; thinking seems to many like it's the only thing that is real, the only thing that is powerful.  Even in the moments when there's nothing to do, nothing to say, we think of something to do, think of something to say. 


Being still feels so awkward, so painful, so uncomfortable.  Being silent feels weird, clumsy and wrong. So many people get to their holidays finally and can't relax on the beach they've taken themselves to for a break. When we go to bed we can't sleep because the wheel of our minds keeps turning. When we're attending the thing we planned, we are thinking of what's next, what needs to be done at home, what we'll have for dinner tomorrow. 

Somehow fully inhabiting this very moment is a massive challenge for us and we rarely get to bask in the here and now, with nothing to worry about, nothing to think, nothing to do.  Yet we complain that there's so much to do, so much to organise, so much to hold together.  And think how many moments there are in any given day. Think how many moments we've lived and how many of them we've taken up with distracting ourselves from the stillness, the peace, the presence that is here in any one of them.

Maybe presence is the answer to it all.  What if we found answers to our deepest questions in our presence, in simply being. And what if all our problems would seem easier to be with, seem less significant from this place ?

When we settle into ourselves in the moment, we start to notice. In the moment when we start to notice our bodies, our breath, the life that's all around us, the space, the people, the sky, the ground, the movement of all the tiny muscles that enable me to type these words. What does it feel like to experience my breath moving in and out of my mouth and nose, expanding my chest to allow my lungs to be filled and emptied ?  What does it feel like to have gravity hold me on this seat and keep my feet on the floor ?

What happens when we do this, what does life look like from here, what feels possible ?

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