Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A tribute to my sister.

So I have been thinking about writing this post for a while.  And I'm feeling like there's no way I could do justice to writing about my sister in a simple blog post.  There's just so much to say about her, and I honestly don't think I can put words to the connection I know we both feel.  But I'm going to try and say it, and here goes.

On the right you can see a picture of us.  And even when I look at this photo I feel emotional.  I'm crying as I write this, feeling into the 'shared soul' I feel we have.

We were like peas in a pod growing up - and the fighting, laughing, playing and inventing in that pod definitely played a huge part in shaping me into the kind of person I am today.  I attribute my sense of humour, my trouble making abilities and my ability to annoy people to this pea pod.  Hollie was how I got to practice at being annoying.  She was easily annoyed so it was great training ground.  And I loved her for it because she was my ultimate challenge.  If I could make her laugh when she was really annoyed, I was the happiest person in the world.

Now we are 'grown up' (well I still feel like I am 14 years old so I'm not sure about that bit) I am so amazed by what we are bringing to the world, our families, our communities and our friends.  We support each other in our stand for honesty, openness, ordinariness, vulnerability, development, being daring and extending ourselves to our wider worlds by bringing our internal and external lives to these blog things. 

Just a few things you should know about my sister:
  • As she parents her beautiful children (well they are actually mine, she just looks after them A LOT), I am being parented too.  She has taught me so much about how to be with human beings so that they feel loved, allowed to be themselves and held firmly through the thick and thin of journeying towards being a fully fledged human in this world.
  • My sister is relentlessly kind.  She brings her generosity, her love, her giftedness, her creativity and her humour to her family and friends each day with such grace and abandon.  And people feel loved around her. 
  • When she has negative feelings about people or feels annoyed with them, she has the capacity to look inside herself, find out what's going on and truly forgive people in a way I am amazed by and so deeply thankful for.
  • She always speaks up for what she believes in, even when it's really difficult or causes trouble.  Her belief in what's true and real permeates everything she gets up to in the world. 
  • She loves me very much and always understands what I am on about even when many people think I am bonkers - and this bullet point made me cry just a little bit more so I can now barely see what I'm typing. 
  • We talk so quickly to each other about really deep things that when we are in conversation alone, I'm pretty sure not many people would get what on earth we are on about.  
  • Every time I go to a workshop and spend lots of time and money learning something, it just takes one small conversation for her to get an automatic download of what I have been learning because she's so clever, emotionally intelligent and probably a psychic.  
  • She always brings me little things that she knows I will like if I am at home working.  And it's her joy to give little things because she knows it will make people happy.  
  • She loves her children in such a deep, fearless and full on way that's filled with laughter, tears, tantrums, domestic melt downs and hilarity.  She sees the humour with her children and is their guide, their friend and their soul mate.  She truly plays with them, and gets out of their way so they can be the unadulterated, untethered expressions of life that they are. 
So, I feel deeply blessed to have the fierce love of this sister, this person who knows me, loves me, sees me and gets me in a way that makes it wonderful to be here, a way that makes me joyfully cry my eyes out when I write a blog about her.  Thank you Hollie Holden (your real name is still Hollie Prior btw) for loving me and for sharing life with me.

If anyone is interested in knowing this incredible person, she has a wonderful blog and facebook page called Hollie Holden - Notes on Living and Loving which has me laugh, reflect and learn each day that she posts.

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