I want to invite you to the Christmas field. It's a field beyond right and wrong doing, a field that doesn't even know what time is or what a turkey tastes like. It's a field where we're infused with what's important about life, where we can soak up the feeling of relatedness and care that is afforded to us simply because we are human.
This field is beautiful, cared for, welcoming and warm and when we stand in it we can see the light in others and others can see the light in us. We can see the good intention, the part of each of us that's always trying our best given our circumstances, history and personality. The grass is soft underfoot and the light gently bathes us as we breathe in the crisp and cooling breeze. In this field, our bodies open and relax into the space around us and we melt into the air, expanding to a size way wider, deeper and far reaching than the limitations of our bodies.
In this field, forgiveness is obvious and we welcome all the opportunities that come our way to practice how to do this elusive thing. We look upon the world as an endless stream of possibilities for us to experience the wonder and the freedom of letting ourselves and everyone off the hook for whatever they have done, whatever they are doing, whatever they might be expected to do during this season. We open ourselves up to a different story about life and we create the space for a new reality, where people do something other than what we expect.
May this field be transported to every home, every supermarket check out, every train, every intersection or traffic light crossing. And may this field become our hearts, for this beautiful Christmas time.
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